The Agile Manifesto was introduced at the beginning of 2001 when previous development methodologies were not able to keep up with market demands for speed.
The introductions of mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, smart watches and even autonomous vehicles ushered in the Internet of Things (IoT) which connectivity and data exchange.
In 2016, the largest ever distributed denial of service attack took place using 150,000 IoT-enabled devices, including baby monitors. In 2017, there were 122 known IoT platforms and the current estimate is that over 80% of IoT devices are vulnerable to security threats.
On Monday April 23, 2018, I had the honor of speaking to a cohort of software development testing and quality assurance professionals. The event was a full day lively conversation on advancement of testing and quality controls in global software industry.
While the other speakers shared their thoughts on topics like test objectives, test integrity, BDD, digital transformation, and team ownership, I shared my two cents on digital value chain. I also touched upon the importance of SMAC testing at the center of any digital assurance platform and the transfer and access to data at all these points.
To learn more about my SMAC testing idea, visit the Medium Blog.
I enjoyed sharing best practices with other testing professionals. To know who else was present, visit the Medium Blog.
Thank you and see you at the next talk.