Key Takeaways

The future of banking and payments: innovations driving transformation

As we delve into the future of banking, digital currencies, and biometric authentication, contactless technologies and mobile wallets stand out as game-changers poised to revolutionize traditional frameworks. AI and machine learning innovations drive smarter, more personalized customer experiences, enhancing security and optimizing operations.

Open banking and API integrations create a more interconnected financial ecosystem, promoting transparency and consumer control over data.Join this enlightening discussion to explore real-time advancements in banking and payments.

The future of banking and payments: innovations driving transformation


21 June 2024

(8:45 am to 10:15 am CT)

8:45 am

Introduction of Speakers

by Nitin Naveen, Vice president-Innovation Strategy, AICorespot

8:50 am

The future of banking and payments: innovations driving transformation

Panel Discussion:

  • Brett Fish, Associate vice president, InfoVision (Moderator)
  • Miriam Sheril, Head of product, Form3
  • Gretchen Rodríguez, Head of product- payments, TD
10:10 am

Thank you note and conclusion of event

Nitin Naveen, Vice president-Innovation Strategy, AICorespot